Dear Pisces,
People just love to throw in their two cents, don’t they? When it comes down to it though it’s how you feel about your life that matters, nobody else. There’s always a lot of resistance before change because people get scared but do what feels right for you and you’ll be able to relax better by the end of the year.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Aquarius,
There’s a lot of change when it comes to the people in your life in 2019. Try to go with the flow rather than resisting as the universe is doing its thing to get you ready for real growth and abundance. Make sure you go to any fairs or festivals you’re invited to in late Autumn as these could be great opportunities for you.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Capricorn,
As much as you hate to admit it sometimes you just don’t always find the best ways to communicate what you’re trying to get across and the coming spring is going to be a great time for you to work on that. The rest of the year will be able about finding ways to balance trying to acquire a better financial situation and spending time with loved ones. Make sure one doesn’t become more of a priority over the other.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Sagittarius,
You’re going to be like one big walking flame in 2019. Embrace it but try not to burn anyone that gets too close in the process of you can help it. Try to find ways to channel your energy that’s helpful to yourself and those around you.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Scorpio.
It looks like people are really going to be testing your patience in 2019 but trust me the growth you will have experienced by the end of the year will be so worth it you’ll even be grateful it happened. Try to be mindful that other people are trying harder than it looks like they are and focus on what you need to get done instead.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Libra,
There’s a lot going on for you in the coming year! If there’s a hobby you’re trying to make a career spring is the time to really start taking it seriously and if not make sure you still treat your hobbies as a priority as it’s important you have some you time once in a while. Summer is a time for helping out with any young people in your life and some of you may even be getting pregnant or having babies at this time as there is definitely a baby vibe at this time for you.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Virgo,
You’re heading for a bit of an “I’m doing me” vibe for most of 2019 and you could achieve a lot. I’d focus on your health for the start of the year as the past year has left you feeling a bit out of sorts. Remember as much as you may be doing you, it’s still important to connect with others and keep your social roots going.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Leo,
Damn, you’re gonna be in boss mode for 2019. The past year came with a lot of highs and lows and knickknacks for you which has left you feeling tired but ready to kick ass. Be the strength for those you care for who find it a bit harder to be courageous this year.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Cancer,
The past year has likely left you feeling as though you want to run away, hide under a blanket and never come back out but don’t stress. There may still be more work to be done to get to where you want to be this year but winter is going to be your time! It may seem like a long wait but when everyone else will be nearing burnout you’re going to be coming into your own for once and feeling the joy of family and festivities.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Gemini,
The new year is all gonna be about finding the true you and learning to love them. Self reflection is gonna be key so try not to ignore things you need to work on when it comes to self improvement. This year could change things for you massively as long as you put the work in.
-Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Taurus,
I know times have been dark lately but try not to push away the people who are genuinely trying to help you if you can avoid it. As difficult as life can be it’s important to try and remain lighthearted sometimes to help you through. 
- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Aries,
It’s looks like you’re going to have a busy year of meeting lots of new people, try to make sure you’re ready for the energy it takes to put the best version of yourself forward in these situations as these people could bring about great change for you.
- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Pisces,
It's just been one of those years, hasn't it? Everything that possibly could go wrong probably did but there's also been so much joy and happiness this year. Tensions can be quite high after such a turbulent year so try to be a peace maker and keep your cool when you feel as though an argument may start. You may feel a bit lost at the moment but that's okay, you'll find your way. Try not to stress more than necessary. Things will work out exactly how they're supposed to in the end.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Aquarius,
It's been a whirlwind of a year for you, hasn't it? So much has happened and I'm sure most of you are more than ready for next year to start now. It's almost time but try not to wish away the whole of December as a lot of fun can be had and you may even have an excuse to be a bit lazy close to Christmas which after the year you've had you most likely deserve. Take some time for yourself and the people close to you.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Capricorn,
It can feel as though we don't expect very much from people and they still don't deliver. It can help to try to see things from their perspective and (as much as you don't enjoy it) lower your standards a little. Remember to see the positives in people as well as the negatives. This may or may not be your favourite time of year but either way remember to relax and not spend all of your time dealing with the practicalities of the month.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Sagittarius,
It's a great time of year for you as parties are everywhere and there's not many places you feel more at home than a celebration.Try not to go too overboard this month and remember we are all strongest united. Focus on friendships this holiday season. Try to be someone you'd like to be around and have fun whilst doing it.
- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Scorpio, 
It may sometimes feel as though the world is against you but that's very rarely the case. Remember to do the things that make you feel comfortable and don't feel as though you can't discuss your problems with anyone. There's always someone somewhere who is happy to listen to you even if you only ramble about what's on the tele that evening. If you can't stay happy, stay safe.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Libra,
You've been juggling so many plates lately it's a wonder you still have your head. Try not to get too overwhelmed as you could achieve some great things in the near future. Don't forget to stay on top of all the practical things as well as trying to achieve your dreams. If you struggle with maintaining the practical remember that there are always people around you who can help. Don't feel as though you can't ask!

-Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Virgo,
You have a lot on your mind lately and it's making you a bit of a recluse. It's okay to take some time out for yourself but remember to be open at the same time. You don't have to tell everyone your life story but remember that sometimes talking things out really can help. You're a giver which is an amazing thing and you should thrive on that beautiful aspect of your personality. Having said that it can leave you prone to burning out so make sure you set aside time for a bubble bath every now and then.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Leo,
Boy it's just one of those months for you where you simultaneously want to be around everyone and no one. Whilst it's perfectly understandable to feel this way try to bare in mind that people usually aren't annoying you on purpose and try to be a bit more patient. You've got a lot of goals and ideas buzzing around that head of yours at the moment and rightly so. Make sure you channel them into something that matters to you so that you feel as though you've made some progress and aren't just stagnant.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Cancer,
Times have been looking pretty dark for you lately, haven't they? That's okay because all that darkness is making way for some serious light in your life. Remember to be grateful for the beautiful things that you do have. You're not as on your own as you may feel. Find a way to spend some time with your loved ones, even if it's just a phone call. They miss you as much as you miss them.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Gemini,

Well haven't you been quite the busy bee! It's almost time to relax but first socializing! This holiday period is going to be such an exciting time for you, there's so much going on, everything feel fast paced and rushed. Try not to miss everything by just floating through it but remember to step out and take a breather every now and then too.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Taurus,
You've had a bit of a rocky time lately and it can be hard to pull yourself back up over and over again but you've got this! You are one resilient, tough cookie and the universe has got your back as do the people around you so don't forget to look to your side instead of just behind you at your past. You're not alone and you can do this. Things will get better, I promise.

- Stoner Tarot xo

Dear Aries,
This one is for you. You are full of fire but sometimes it can be easy to lose sight of how to direct that energy and what to focus on! There is nothing wrong with asking for guidance. I know you like to seem as though you are always sure of yourself and aren't a fan of admitting you need help once in a while. If you don't feel as though you can ask for help sometimes using tarot can be a great way to privately seek guidance. Bare in mind though, even at times it may not feel as though the people around you are supporting you there is always someone keeping an eye on you. It can help you to know who is by your side as you take steps to do what you need to do for yourself.

-Stoner Tarot xo

We've all had those days where we feel as though we just cannot no matter what we try manage to drag ourselves out of bed. So I thought why not make a spread so we can all find a way to make the most of those days? Most of my decks actually live on my bedside table for this reason. I'd love to hear what you think of this spread and how useful it was (or wasn't) if you do use it. Don't forget, tomorrow is always another day. If you can't get out of bed today that doesn't always mean you won't be able to tomorrow.

- Stoner Tarot xo

This week is filled with the energy of new ventures, creativity and spiritual abundance. You have the power within yourself to create the world you want to live in. Take your ideas and make them into what you know they can be.

Don't let your ideas fall to the wayside, the time to take action is now. Even if you think you're too busy you should always set aside time for the things that you know in your heart you want to do. Saying "I'll do it tomorrow" everyday won't get you to where you want to be. Don't hold yourself back! 

You are a strong, resilient, wonderful person who defies odds just by being alive. Make sure you remember your worth and your potential. You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you put the work in and give it your best effort.
- StonerTarot xo
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